How your Social Media can Improve your SEO

In the world of digital marketing, achieving a strong ranking on Google is one of the most important challenges of all. Search engine optimisation, otherwise known as SEO, is the key ingredient in the recipe for success. While there are many ways to increase your SEO ranking, a strong social media game could be the secret weapon that leads you to success.

Here are just five ways in which social media marketing can actively influence your SEO in a positive manner.

#1. Content promotion

Publishing links to your blogs, videos, and content can have a minor impact on your SEO through those direct links. Significantly, though, the fact that the content will be optimised on keywords will mean that the content reaches the right audience. As they click the links and read the on-site content, the associated traffic statistics will have a very positive impact as search engines will see this as confirmation that your site brings value to the visitors.

#2. Social link building

Links to your website work wonders for the overall SEO strategy, and posting via your social media channels is a great way to do it. When other websites link to your site and content through social media, it can give the SEO a serious boost while also winning over new audiences. Getting this type of link from influencers is almost impossible without strong and active social media channels. On a separate note, it’s an ideal way to diversify the types of links you gain.

#3. Increased engagement

Social media thrives on the engagement between users, and this includes the relationship between company and client. While the shares themselves won’t influence your SEO, the added engagement certainly will. As the engagement and leads from the content grow, it will make your content (and, therefore, website) become a voice of authority in the chosen topic and keyword. This is something that the search engines algorithm will love, which will result in a better ranking.

#4. The Google-Twitter bond

Google is now partnered to Twitter, which means that popular Tweets are now displayed as a part of the search results. This makes posting relevant content on Twitter a particularly good way to cheat your way to the top of page one. When added to the impact of the added engagement and retweets, a strong Twitter account can be a very useful asset to possess. Given that the partnership is still quite new, it’s likely that the influence will continue to grow over the coming months.

#5. Brand awareness

When consumers search for your brand on search engines, it will slowly but surely increase the presence when dealing with non-branded keywords too. A strong social media game will lead to far greater awareness, not least because consumers spend so much time on social media platforms. Getting the brand known on social media ultimately has a snowballing effect that will subsequently start to recruit new clients thanks to the actions of your existing clients.

Social media helps the business grow in many other ways, but the SEO influences are certainly among the best.



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