As a small business, there are a few common mistakes that are made when it comes to having a website. In this article, we are going to discuss what these mistakes are and how you can avoid them.
Waiting To Write Content
One of the mistakes that small businesses make is waiting to write the content for the website until the design has been delivered. The content is going to help the person designing the website to create one that highlights your strategy. So, there is no point in hiring an expensive website designer without first having at least an example of the copy that will be on there.
Not Having A Promotion Plan
A lot of small business owners make the mistake of thinking that just because the website has been put up, this will automatically draw traffic. This isn’t going to be the case. Launching your website is not going to be enough to bring people in, especially if they don’t know about the website. So, what you need to do is to make sure that you have sat down and come up with an idea about how you are going to promote your website once it has launched.
Making It Harder Than It Is
If you don’t understand what certain terms mean when it comes to a website such as SEO, or HTML, the best thing you can do is keep the whole thing simple. Register your host and domain name with your credit card, and don’t hire anyone to help who makes the project hard.
Not Using WordPress
A lot of small business owners just assume that all web hosting sites are created the same. But, WordPress is going to be the easiest one to use because it isn’t locked into anything and it easy to change. If you use a different service, you might end up having to pay someone who understands the software to make a small change for you.
Not Understanding The Use Of The Website
You might have overheard someone say that a website is just something that a business needs. If you don’t understand what your website does for the company, then you need to set yourself some goals so that you know why it’s there. To avoid this, you need to identify at least three things that you want from your website, so that you fully understand the benefits it has for your business.
Too Much, Too Fast
Some small business owners get caught up paying for add-ons and services for the website that they simply don’t need. Just because you have seen it on another website, it doesn’t mean that yours needs it. You don’t want to pay a fortune just to have features that add nothing to the strategy of the site. So, you need to keep it simple and only pay for what it is that you know you need.
All The Focus On The Traffic
The final mistake that some small businesses make is that all the focus goes on the traffic of the site. While the number of people you have visiting your site is important, you also need to be focusing on conversions. Just because people have clicked onto your site, there is nothing stopping them coming on and off without actually using your service. To avoid this, you need to keep an eye on the conversions that are coming from your website.
We hope that you have found this helpful and understand 7 of the biggest mistakes that small businesses make when it comes to their website.