Cinnayum – Cinnfully Delicious

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Cinnfully Delicious

If you haven’t heard of CinnaYum – where have you been? The iconic brand has become a favourite across Perth for their freshly baked cinnamon scrolls, fun and friendly crew and their playful visual identity.  

Cloud Cartel worked closely with the family owned business to achieve their website, branding and copy goals. Explore their website to see the result.

It's How We Roll

With pressures to develop an online delivery system quickly and efficiently, Cloud Cartel built a website that made the process easy for the owners managing the back-end and the customers ordering through the front-end. Now, Cinnayum scrolls can be enjoyed across Perth from the comfort of your home.

It’s been a pleasure working with Cinnayum to expand their brand to meet the needs of the changing climate. As their business continues to grow, we’re excited to see what the future holds.

Give us a Hola!

Ready to get started?

We’d love to hear from you. If you’re looking to improve your company’s brand or digital presence then get in touch! Send us a message or phone us on 1300 136 164 to arrange a meeting today.

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